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Become a Sponsor
Dear Future Partner:
My name is Tanda Canion. I am the founder of the Tanda Canion Foundation, Inc. This letter serves as a request for your company to partner with our foundation. Unlike many opportunities, the Tanda Canion Foundation is different. Our Foundation is committed to stabilization, restoration and revitalization of the community. Our service provides education, motivation and empowerment that are aimed at enriching youth and their families through the following programs: reading/literacy, mentoring, coaching, financial guidance, teen pregnancy prevention/care, anger management, computer literacy, self-esteem and more.
We are requesting funds or in-kind donations to assist us in facilitating any or all of these community empowerment events. Your partnership affords a prime opportunity to promote your products and further assist in the branding of your company to the community. Your investment will allow the community to see that their issues are your concern.
The Tanda Canion Foundation is a 501© (3) organization #90-0723514. Your company’s presence in our events will decisively influence your bottom line. Your investment will maximize your marketing dollars and will deliver a great return.
Thank you in advance for your partnership into one of the most effective community outreach organizations in this region. Please visit our website at
For further discussion, I may be reached at 678-732-5269.
Tanda Joy Canion
Dr. Tanda Joy Canion, President
Tanda Canion Foundation
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